Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and holistic education underpinned by Islamic faith. Our mission is inspired by the first verse revealed in the Holy Quran-

اِقۡرَاۡ بِاسۡمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِىۡ خَلَقَ

“Read in the name of your Lord, who created” QURAN (96:1)

This verse indicates to us that Allah SWT has intended for us to become possessors of knowledge. At SGA we do not differentiate between religious and secular knowledge, all knowledge is sacred knowledge. All knowledge, religious or academic helps us to understand the creation of Allah, thus strengthening our relationship with the creator.

We consider all students as an ‘Amanah’ and strive to fulfil their rights as students. We aim to provide them with an immersive learning environment to aid their development socially, spiritually, culturally, and academically. Our holistic approach to education is inspired by the concept of ‘Tarbiyah’ or ‘Nurturing/Cultivation”. In the Islamic tradition, Tarbiyah is an essential component of development and progress, particularly in the socialisation and upbringing of children. Tarbiyah requires a conscientious approach to nurture and cultivate Islamic morals and values, to ensure the success of children as future academics, leaders, and global citizens.

SGA intends to become a beacon of academic excellence. We aim to facilitate the progress of our students to achieve and exceed their potential. We firmly value the development and acquisition of life-long transferrable skills. We aim for our students to develop into strong, confident, and exceptional young British Muslim women, who are respectful, resilient, and ambitious. We intend to cultivate a positive and healthy learning environment to instil a love for lifelong learning, personal, social, and academic success. We have developed robust systems, implemented effective practices, and curated an excellent team of likeminded individuals who share a collective vision as educators.

Our Vision

At Sapience Girls Academy our collective vision is to provide a comprehensive education of the highest standard in a positive and nurturing environment. We aim to encourage ambition and promote progress to ensure students achieve their potential. We aim to produce exceptional students with outstanding values, morals, respectful conduct, confidence, and strong self-belief. Our vision is to produce students who have developed a genuine love for lifelong learning and appreciate as well as value knowledge and education, without differentiation. We envision our students to progress in society as positive contributors to their communities, as responsible, empowered, and inspiring visionaries. 

Our Aims

In order to achieve our mission and ethos, we aim:

To produce young adults who are:

  • Confident and active ambassadors of education and faith.
  • To be upstanding members of society who enrich life for themselves and the communities they will serve.
  • Exemplary in character and manners, and proud of their identity as British Muslims.
  • Future leaders of communities, and the educators of future generations.
  • Able to demonstrate Islam in Britain as a welcome part of the diverse and multi-cultural society that we live in, and to communicate British values through the practice of our faith.