The Department of Education places an important duty on educational organisations to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of children and young people. The legislative actions are provided in the ‘Keeping Children safe in Education’ and ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ documents.

At Sapience Girls Academy we are completely committed to ensuring the safeguarding, welfare, health and safety of all staff and students, and expect all staff to share this responsibility. To ensure the safeguarding of all pupils, we have numerous policies and processes in place, which can be viewed in the policies section of this website.

We also work with the Oldham Safeguarding Partnership to ensure we are consistently updating our policy with legislative changes, and are informed of the local provisions for safeguarding. We also support the Government’s Prevent scheme to counter radicalism and extremism. Parents will be informed should the school partner with local agencies to support their child. However, if the school deems the child’s welfare and safety is at risk by speaking to parents, then the school is not required to inform parents, and will contact the external agencies directly. 

The designated safeguarding lead is: Ms.Naaz (Headteacher)

Deputy safeguarding lead is: Mrs Bibi (Deputy Headteacher)