Pupil Details

Please tick as appropriate:

Parent and Carer details

(if not home address above)
(if not home address above)
(for emergency use. Please state days / hours worked)
(for emergency use. Please state days / hours worked)

Additional Emergency Contacts

From time to time it may be necessary to contact someone during the school day, e.g. in the case of a child’s sickness. Please list below the details of any person we can contact on such an occasion. Details should be listed in the order of contact preference.
Daytime address and telephone number (if same as child’s home address please write home)
Daytime address and telephone number (if same as child’s home address please write home)

Medical and Dietary Information

(write 2/3)




Key Stage 2 results SATS (please attach a hard copy of the results to the completed form )

Scaled Score
Scaled Score
Scaled Score
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please attach a hard copy of the results

General Terms and Conditions of Admission

By signing this form, I agree to abide by all the Schools policies and procedures.

I understand the school does not allow leave during term time and I agree to follow the Schools attendance policy.
(except in extenuating circumstances).

Any student guilty of vandalism will be disciplined and any damage to school property will be the responsibility of the
student and her parent/ carer to replace / repair as necessary.

Any student absent from school for a period of 2 weeks will be taken off the school roll and the LA informed. In cases of
sickness a medical certificate must be provided within the first 3 days of sickness.

All fees must be paid prior to the commencement of the new term, please find a list of term dates in your daughter’s school
planner, failure to do so will result in your daughter being excluded from classes. Fees can be paid in cash; Standing Order or
through Bank Transfer. Students will remain excluded until all fees; bank and administration charges are paid.

Admission and term fees once paid are non-refundable. Term fees are calculated on a termly basis, if a student is not in
school for part of a term, the full term fees will still be payable.

The school has the right to increase the fees at any time giving parents sufficient notice

Parental Declaration

The purpose of this form is to collect data for further processing within the school/systems. Your signature on this form implies
your consent for the school to process the data. The data will be processed in accordance with the purposes notified by the school
to the Information Commissioner's Office and is subject to the GDPR regulations. The information given will be entered onto a
computer and will form part of the School’s database. This information will also be shared with Local authorioties, Ofsted, Keys
and other relevant agencies. Please see the school’s privacy notice for further details.

We are seeking your permission concerning some regular school activities and outings. Please circle clearly to indicate
your wishes so that we know if your child is able to participate in any of these events as listed below:


I declare the above information to be correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of completion.
I agree to notify the school of any change in my child’s circumstances.
